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Business Conference

PLS Management Services


Our game-changing management training significantly boosts your success attainment.  We show you how to leverage complex interface and transition points, which are susceptible to lower productivity and inefficiency.  Through agility and pivot mechanisms, we weaponize your operations with cutting-edge approaches to ideation and execution.

The Meeting Arena - Engaging and Productive Meetings. This platform will transform your business because we have optimized one very important fact--meetings are perfect times to get things done! They almost always include decision makers, or high diversity and perspective.  Unleash potential and increase engagement and collaboration, converting these chronically low-productivity times to actions and outcomes. This course is appropriate for all levels of your organization. For more information click here.

Systems Thinking in Project Management.  This project management course is like no other training on the market.  Learn practical and easily implemented systems thinking in your project management to create vision and agility.  Select, design, manage, and deliver better projects and outcomes through systems thinking and a blended, tailored approach. For more information click here.

Systems Thinking in Operations Management. Similarly, investing in your operations manager catalyzes site-wide engagement and work happiness. This is because operations and manufacturing managers, while managing the revenue stream with the largest, most diverse teams, are also the most embedded, connected positions, often interacting at every level in the organization.  Due to its unique format, this management course has immediate impact. For more information, click here.

Consulting and Coaching 

Get a fresh look at an old problem, kick start an initiative, level up your strategic planning, better integrate your staff, and increase your value to customers to beat the competition through our extensive business management consulting services. To get started, click here.

Small Business Management Consulting Services

Start your business with the right thinking to consistently achieve step-ahead outcomes. PLS Management Consulting can help you strategically align your operations management design with your goals, through the PLS Framework. Learn more by clicking here. This business approach will facilitate and retain agility in your business as you grow. 

Fractional Operations Management

There are scenarios where businesses need help with operations management in the form of an interim participant with expertise to move the business to the next level. Check out our fractional operations management service by clicking here

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